Singing Mule Sorghum is grown with love in Mercer County, KY in the central Bluegrass region. Cherry Grove Farm is owned and run by Nick Vozos, who is descended from many generations of Greek farmers who immigrated to the US in the 1920s. He has practiced organic farming for 50 years and the sorghum is a recent family project on the farm. Nick’s son, Yani Vozos, and his partner, Carla Gover, have been actively involved since the first crop in 2016, and they look forward each year to the cycle of planting, tending, and harvesting the sorghum to make sweet syrup.  

Watch the video below for a glimpse of the sorghum making process from seed to syrup.  The features the sorghum themed original song "Raise a little cane," composed and performed by Carla Gover.